Saturday, September 18, 2010

City of Redding UNIONS and Redding Electric Utility Managers Attempt To Steal What The Citizens Used To Blindly Just Give Them_citizen activist

  • September 18, 2010

5:05 a.m.
citizenactivist writes:
Where I come from, here, I always felt
any REAL manager was always his own best

I belonged to several unions growing up
here as I began my business career from
restaurant cook, to mill worker and on
to teamsters for McColls. Having done so
and then spending nearly 30 years as a
self-employed business owner I have a
pretty keen view of what unions provided
me and what they did not. Since I was
never around when any of them actually
started I do not know what conditions
existed prior to their forming but frankly
don't remember earning any great pay in the
area or super benefits from any of the
three. I do remember seeing on every
paycheck receipt a deduction from my check
for their services. I remember seeing a
union steward once in a while showing up
in a brand new car and patting some backs.
In addition, I remember going to only one
maybe two union meetings the entire time
I belonged to all three. The second meeting
was while working a Kimbery Clark in Anderson.
Where I would swear the it was the company
that really owned the darn thing. After some
quick addition and multiplication regarding
what I would pay in over the next 20 years in
benefits, verses what I would have received
back in retirement, I whopping $200 a month,
likely a bent-over, used up person, with
missing fingers I mentioned to the steward
at the meeting, if the money we were paying
in was actually paid into an interest baring
account for each man I think each would have
retired with an annuity of nearly $250,000.
That if my memory serves me right, 40+ years
ago. So basically it came down to asking them
were all the rest of our money was going?
Seems to me the unions that exist are all on
steroids today. Meaning they have evolved
into organizations that no longer even closely
resemble what I remember in any of my past
union affiliations. This has become both a
good thing and a bad thing in my estimation.
citizenactivist writes:
Good in the since that they seem to be doing
much better on behalf of their member's
actually getting them the pay and benefits that
we all who put in a hard 20-40 years while in
our working prime and bad in the since that
they now seem to be enjoying throwing their
weight around in attempts to change the course
of even local elections for city council for instance.

I find the idea that these public employees have
so much extra money laying around that they
can afford to purchase ads advertising for and
actually getting a bunch of tired, old retreaded
council members, in many cases the same ones
that already gave them the entire farm already,
in an attempt to ATTEMPT to foil the actual will
of the people.

Just like...

It smacks me as unethical and Un-American for
instance to call all the leaders of all law enforcement
together with a DA running for office on election
day, to hold a news conference in the new DA's PR
room to announce the arrest of one of their own on
the very day of an election and the voting for that
office, by the citizens of this country and county.

It didn't work then and since they're is a God, it
shouldn't work now. I predict that if their attempt
to use the funds we once could afford to pay them
to control who gets elected for the purpose of
seeing to it that the gravy train continues, when
we all now the existing pay and benefit is no
sustainable, their entire stinky plan will back-fire
and blow up in their own collective union faces.

Basically the are biting the very collective citizen's
hands that went along for decades, when the economy
was in better shape and gave them blindly the power
and the wealth they still, for now, enjoy have today.

In this attempt to STEAL a local city council election
we now see them number 1.) for what they really
are and number 2.) at their very worse.

It is a most evil thing to watch IMO._citizen activist

 Marc Beauchamp  Redding Record Searchlight Blog Quote Below

"The fact that people have a love-hate relationship with the newspaper is a sign that it’s doing its job, Bodenhamer believed. Speer quotes Bodenhamer as saying: “Many people write angry letters to the paper threatening to quit and cancel their subscriptions, but curiosity forced them to buy the paper from the newsstand and eventually they come back. One man has done so time and again.”

And, finally, this: “Our obligation (was) to call attention to public officials who were rascals and to call them just that and do so while belonging to the same service club or civic group it often led to touchy situations.”

Amen, Paul.

AMEN MARK-citizen activist

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