Redding, Calif. Greater Redding Rants And Raves
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Redding Ca, Unions and Activist Shills, Paid for in- the- pocket Council Candidates..Take Note, That is what CLASS looks like
Redding firefighters offer to give up raises
- By Scott Mobley
- Record Searchlight
- Posted September 20, 2010 at 2:14 p.m., updated September 20, 2010 at 3:37 p.m.
An earlier version of this story contained incorrect information about the length
of the proposed firefighter concession.
of the proposed firefighter concession.
for the next year in a bid to keep all the city’s fire stations open and engine
companies staffed.
Redding Firefighters Association Local 1934 leaders this afternoon staged
a press conference at City Hall to announce the proposed concession.
Firefighters would give up 7 ½ percent in raises and up to an additional
4 1/2 percent in incentive pay for retired members of the Shasta Cascade
Hazardous Materials Response Team hired back to work for cash, under
the proposed concessions.
All told, the concession, if approved, would save the city $1.5 million for
one year beginning in October.
In exchange, firefighters have asked the city to extend the union’s contract
one year, to 2015.
The City Council is expected to consider the offer in closed session Tuesday
The concession offer comes in response to a request from the city that the
union look for ways to close a $1.34 million gap in the fire department budget,
said Lonnie Schreiber, Redding Firefighters Association president.
The city would have likely closed a fire station or eliminated an engine company
had firefighters not agreed to the concession, Schreiber said.
“Eliminating another engine company would be too dangerous to the community
and to firefighters,” Schreiber said.
The city last year extended the firefighters contract two years when the union
offered concessions totaling roughly $675,000.
But in July, the council refused to extend contracts for rank and file Redding
police officers and for police managers when those two groups offered a
concession to the city in an effort to keep four officers slated for layoff in
December on the street through September 2011.
- September 21, 2010
- 4:26 a.m
citizenactivist writes:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Redding Ca, Unions and Activist Shills Demand WE BE SAFE at any case._citizen activst
Earl Allen Boek Isn't it time that all city, county, state and
federal employee unions wake up and smell the collective coffee?
As a world we have a $600 Trillion Dollar Debt while living in a $60
Trillion dollar annual GP world. Get a clue._citizen activists
Saturday at 6:01am · · · Share
- Earl Allen Boek please take our poll at: at 6:02am · · - Christine Mitchell Earl, I can't take that poll. It is too biased. Come on now......Saturday at 2:07pm · · 1 personYou like this. ·
- Earl Allen Boekof course it was Christine..done tongue in cheek...
I fixed the poll like their trying to fix the election.
Why your supporting them, instead of attempting to
help balance the budget...I'll never know or understand.
...- Earl Allen Boekno need for polls...just educate yourselfs...there is big BIG trouble coming...10 years of it...maybe. I'm not making this stuff up
Isn't it time that all city, county, state and
federal employee unions wake up and smell the collective
As a world we have a $600 Trillion Dollar Debt while living in a $60
Trillion dollar annual GP world. Get a clue._citizen activistsSee MoreSaturday at 10:43pm · · - Christine Mitchell The budget isn't going to be balanced if the public employees lose their benefits. Are you going to stop your house from burning if it is on fire? These people worked hard to get these jobs and get good benefits. They pay taxes too.22 hours ago · ·
- Earl Allen BoekThere not having their benefits taken away are they
really? there only being asked to kick in a little more
on their own retirements..What's wrong with them
kicking in to address the budget, and asking all others
to do the same...??
I love how you guys always push the fireman's side...
they have played second fettle to the police union
for decades...decades they have been on the short
stick.See More19 hours ago · · - Paul CurrierEarl - your correct. Christine, that same old tired line is going to get hung out to dry in 40 short days. Everyone can pitch in. Here in San Francisco we have a Proposition B, that mandates the Public Employees pitch in to their retire...ment funds so we don't bankrupt the funds paying our public servants $300,000 to $500,000 per year plus benefits. Maybe the Democrats are not that bold in Redding yet? Everyone is going to have to tighten our belts. The Public Unions need to face the facts that getting 2 to 3 times what private industry in America gets to take home is not what the voters are going to buy. We are all in this together. We are looking at 10 to 20 years before we see recovery. The Public Service Workers need to be aware that jobs and benefits that match the rest of us are how you keep a job and keep what benefits you get. Those of us without jobs and benefits already tightened our belts. What we need is Single Payer so we all have health. What we need is Local Banks, so we dont have to Bank with New York. What we all need is Land to farm, Affordable Housing, and jobs - and our communities will have to deliver these with Coops and other solutions - because Sacramento and Washington DC are bankrupt. How do the Public Service Unions expect blood from a turnip? Closing down our Military Bases all over the world better get popular fast - because its either we close the military down or go without food, shelter, health care and basic educations. We are now in a Depression. Who's kidding who?See More
- Earl Allen Boekthank you Paul, thought I was the only one...geez.
while every fed, state, local agency has armed and
lock and loaded with grants from the feds to fight
terrorist in the US, as in us, I'm thinking, everyone
even activist, who have to fight toot...h and nail for anything
having to do with humanity services, lay down over and
over for law enforcement...and not one time has it made
any of them a bit safer, maybe even more unsafe...
recently 12-14 local Redding pd trapped a 20 year bank
robber with a bee bee gun, while he lifted his gun, I'm
thinking, to fight off the dog attacking him, they all unloaded
their 9mm on him killing him, the kid should have known better,
still, the officers wild gun fire hit a couple of office complexes
near by, blew out a glass door in one, and I think I heard
a round hit the DMV. Do I feel any safer, living here many
of my years? Hardly. Will I have trouble sleeping at night
because these gravy-trained men and women, have to
kick a small percentage to their own dang bloated retirements?
notice the crickets sounds on the last commentsSee More17 hours ago · · - Paul CurrierThe MUNI Drivers put out a research piece here in San Francisco. We pay over 50 Cops and Firemen over $250,000 per year - before pensions. One cop gets over $500,000 per year in pay, and Jerry Brown is not suing San Francisco like he is s...uing the City of Bell, in Los Angeles County.
Our Public Defender Jeff Adachi put together a Proposition, and we collected 75,000 Signatures to get it on the Ballot. All the Political Establishment is against our now on the Ballot Proposition B. The Union Leadership is freaking out. No one is taking a sanity check. If we had Single Payer - that Pelosi and all say is on the way - no one will have health care bills go up. Under Obamacare - our health care cost for all who make under $250,000 per year is going down right? So why cant our Public Unions chip in to their retirement so there is money there to pay them when they retire? Retirement is not pay for not working - it is a benefit that builds up. 90% of us get nothing. What are the Unions Bitching about - demanding more from those of us who cant get work? Give me a break!
Here is who is against San Francisco Prop B: Nancy Pelosi; Gavin Newsom; Tom Ammiano; Mark Leno; David Chiu; Leland Yee; Kamala Harris; Sophie Maxwell; Sheriff Hennessey; David Campos; the San Francisco Democratic Party; SF Police Officers; SF Firefighters; California Nurses Association; United Educators of San Francisco (who ever the heck this group is its not the CTA or CFT), the SF Labor Council (political wing of John Burton), SF Tenants Union, Affordable Housing Alliance (5 people and a name), The Milk Club - (but this came out before our endorsement vote - which is odd), Alice B. Toklas (the political wing of Willy PG&E Brown), and the Chinese Progressive Association (who I would love to meet).
On the other side are 75,000 of us who are registered voters who signed the petitions to put Proposition B on the Ballot to add fiscal responsibility to local Government. The costs for our Cops and Firemen are off the hook. I have no problem paying them more than any other Department in the USA. No problem at all. And I also agree that they can contribute to their retirement out of their top lever pay in the USA. What is wrong with Public Employees paying their fair share along with the rest of us? Oh yes - VOTE YES ON B in San Francisco!See More15 hours ago · · - Earl Allen Boek thanks for that info Paul, may I post it on ?15 hours ago · ·
- Paul Currier Earl - you can post anything I write forever - if you promise to spell my name correctly in the credit. (smile)13 hours ago · ·
- Earl Allen Boek Now you know i cannot promise that...smile13 hours ago · ·
- Paul Currier Go for it Earl and lets just keep kicking ass and taking names!13 hours ago · · 1 personLoading... ·
- 11 hours ago · ·
- Earl Allen BoekI'm on no side here Christine...What's right is right.
5-10% across the board is my scared "safety"
police Union fire, to human services...everything
everyone must do their part. Only fair. By the way, I
already gave at the Right around a cool million
in 2007. That was all I had. NO unions here. pre-existing
conditions, no key man insurance either.
So what your saying since they all join public service for
the benefits. they deserve and should expect them forever?
no problem, they have em, now just bite the bullet like
we have already out here in the REAL world and pay your
own fair share of them. THAT'S all.
too bad I could not expect that in my should
see the public services I was able to provide to my area
when I had what I had.See More11 hours ago · · - Paul CurrierI am 100% Pro Union. Here in San Francisco, the Mayor wants to "contract out" what is now Union Work. To me, that is Union Busting. I do not think that Local, County and State Government should Contract out Union Jobs. All Contractor wh...o to get City, County, and State Contracts in California should be required to have labor contracts with the bonified Unions. And, the all the public employees need to contribute to and fund the public retirement from wages earned. There is not one thing wrong with us all being responsible. On Health Costs - we all need to build our coalitions around Single Payer to save Small Business, as well as all facets of the Public Sector.See More7 hours ago · ·
- Christine MitchellI like what you say Paul. Yes, we need single payer! Yes, the unions need to pay part of retirement. The problem here is the city council in Redding has taken and taken and they treat the public safety like dogs. When there is someone w...ho they can negotiate with on the City Council progress might be made. I was talking to a firefighter's wife yesterday. Her husband makes about $22.00 per hour when you average it out. He works 56 hours before being able to collect overtime. That is not a lot of money for a family. By-the-way they have been paying a more than they were before the melt-down for health care.See Moreabout an hour ago · ·
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Redding Tourism Marketing Group Dumps $360K Grand on Advertising in One Month. Are you kidding me? Tell me your kidding me._Citizen Activist
- September 19, 2010
- 6:01 a.m.
citizenactivist writes:
Taken from article. I just don't get this.
"The Redding Tourism Marketing Group — a division of the bureau that collects fees from the 45 hotels and bed and breakfasts in town — spent $360,000 on the ads, which began running earlier this month and will continue until the first week of October".
The Redding Tourism Marketing Group earns Citizen Activist's Coveted DEAD-ASS CHICKEN AWARD!
For a budget, maybe in the $50,000 range,
we could have a booth at the California
State Fair and plug every attraction in
our county of Shasta. Frankly I do not
get "The Redding Tourism Marketing Group
dumping this kind of money after summer
and not taking advantage of the 1 million
Sacramento State Fair 14 day run in July.
Someone over there deserves to be canned,
"The Redding Tourism Marketing Group — a division of the bureau that collects fees from the 45 hotels and bed and breakfasts in town — spent $360,000 on the ads, which began running earlier this month and will continue until the first week of October".
The Redding Tourism Marketing Group earns Citizen Activist's Coveted DEAD-ASS CHICKEN AWARD!
For a budget, maybe in the $50,000 range,
we could have a booth at the California
State Fair and plug every attraction in
our county of Shasta. Frankly I do not
get "The Redding Tourism Marketing Group
dumping this kind of money after summer
and not taking advantage of the 1 million
Sacramento State Fair 14 day run in July.
Someone over there deserves to be canned,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Redding Employee Unions Gone Wild....
My friend and dear activist herself says the poll is fixed. or biased...sure it is.
TO THE VOTERS OF REDDING? Fix the election.
TO THE VOTERS OF REDDING? Fix the election.
City of Redding UNIONS and Redding Electric Utility Managers Attempt To Steal What The Citizens Used To Blindly Just Give Them_citizen activist
- September 18, 2010

5:05 a.m.
citizenactivist writes:
Where I come from, here, I always felt
any REAL manager was always his own best
I belonged to several unions growing up
here as I began my business career from
restaurant cook, to mill worker and on
to teamsters for McColls. Having done so
and then spending nearly 30 years as a
self-employed business owner I have a
pretty keen view of what unions provided
me and what they did not. Since I was
never around when any of them actually
started I do not know what conditions
existed prior to their forming but frankly
don't remember earning any great pay in the
area or super benefits from any of the
three. I do remember seeing on every
paycheck receipt a deduction from my check
for their services. I remember seeing a
union steward once in a while showing up
in a brand new car and patting some backs.
In addition, I remember going to only one
maybe two union meetings the entire time
I belonged to all three. The second meeting
was while working a Kimbery Clark in Anderson.
Where I would swear the it was the company
that really owned the darn thing. After some
quick addition and multiplication regarding
what I would pay in over the next 20 years in
benefits, verses what I would have received
back in retirement, I whopping $200 a month,
likely a bent-over, used up person, with
missing fingers I mentioned to the steward
at the meeting, if the money we were paying
in was actually paid into an interest baring
account for each man I think each would have
retired with an annuity of nearly $250,000.
That if my memory serves me right, 40+ years
ago. So basically it came down to asking them
were all the rest of our money was going?
Seems to me the unions that exist are all on
steroids today. Meaning they have evolved
into organizations that no longer even closely
resemble what I remember in any of my past
union affiliations. This has become both a
good thing and a bad thing in my estimation.
any REAL manager was always his own best
I belonged to several unions growing up
here as I began my business career from
restaurant cook, to mill worker and on
to teamsters for McColls. Having done so
and then spending nearly 30 years as a
self-employed business owner I have a
pretty keen view of what unions provided
me and what they did not. Since I was
never around when any of them actually
started I do not know what conditions
existed prior to their forming but frankly
don't remember earning any great pay in the
area or super benefits from any of the
three. I do remember seeing on every
paycheck receipt a deduction from my check
for their services. I remember seeing a
union steward once in a while showing up
in a brand new car and patting some backs.
In addition, I remember going to only one
maybe two union meetings the entire time
I belonged to all three. The second meeting
was while working a Kimbery Clark in Anderson.
Where I would swear the it was the company
that really owned the darn thing. After some
quick addition and multiplication regarding
what I would pay in over the next 20 years in
benefits, verses what I would have received
back in retirement, I whopping $200 a month,
likely a bent-over, used up person, with
missing fingers I mentioned to the steward
at the meeting, if the money we were paying
in was actually paid into an interest baring
account for each man I think each would have
retired with an annuity of nearly $250,000.
That if my memory serves me right, 40+ years
ago. So basically it came down to asking them
were all the rest of our money was going?
Seems to me the unions that exist are all on
steroids today. Meaning they have evolved
into organizations that no longer even closely
resemble what I remember in any of my past
union affiliations. This has become both a
good thing and a bad thing in my estimation.
- September 18, 2010
- 5:15 a.m.
- Suggest removal
- Reply to this post
citizenactivist writes:
Good in the since that they seem to be doing
much better on behalf of their member's
actually getting them the pay and benefits that
we all who put in a hard 20-40 years while in
our working prime and bad in the since that
they now seem to be enjoying throwing their
weight around in attempts to change the course
of even local elections for city council for instance.
I find the idea that these public employees have
so much extra money laying around that they
can afford to purchase ads advertising for and
actually getting a bunch of tired, old retreaded
council members, in many cases the same ones
that already gave them the entire farm already,
in an attempt to ATTEMPT to foil the actual will
of the people.
Just like...
It smacks me as unethical and Un-American for
instance to call all the leaders of all law enforcement
together with a DA running for office on election
day, to hold a news conference in the new DA's PR
room to announce the arrest of one of their own on
the very day of an election and the voting for that
office, by the citizens of this country and county.
It didn't work then and since they're is a God, it
shouldn't work now. I predict that if their attempt
to use the funds we once could afford to pay them
to control who gets elected for the purpose of
seeing to it that the gravy train continues, when
we all now the existing pay and benefit is no
sustainable, their entire stinky plan will back-fire
and blow up in their own collective union faces.
Basically the are biting the very collective citizen's
hands that went along for decades, when the economy
was in better shape and gave them blindly the power
and the wealth they still, for now, enjoy have today.
In this attempt to STEAL a local city council election
we now see them number 1.) for what they really
are and number 2.) at their very worse.
It is a most evil thing to watch IMO._citizen activist
Marc Beauchamp Redding Record Searchlight Blog Quote Below
much better on behalf of their member's
actually getting them the pay and benefits that
we all who put in a hard 20-40 years while in
our working prime and bad in the since that
they now seem to be enjoying throwing their
weight around in attempts to change the course
of even local elections for city council for instance.
I find the idea that these public employees have
so much extra money laying around that they
can afford to purchase ads advertising for and
actually getting a bunch of tired, old retreaded
council members, in many cases the same ones
that already gave them the entire farm already,
in an attempt to ATTEMPT to foil the actual will
of the people.
Just like...
It smacks me as unethical and Un-American for
instance to call all the leaders of all law enforcement
together with a DA running for office on election
day, to hold a news conference in the new DA's PR
room to announce the arrest of one of their own on
the very day of an election and the voting for that
office, by the citizens of this country and county.
It didn't work then and since they're is a God, it
shouldn't work now. I predict that if their attempt
to use the funds we once could afford to pay them
to control who gets elected for the purpose of
seeing to it that the gravy train continues, when
we all now the existing pay and benefit is no
sustainable, their entire stinky plan will back-fire
and blow up in their own collective union faces.
Basically the are biting the very collective citizen's
hands that went along for decades, when the economy
was in better shape and gave them blindly the power
and the wealth they still, for now, enjoy have today.
In this attempt to STEAL a local city council election
we now see them number 1.) for what they really
are and number 2.) at their very worse.
It is a most evil thing to watch IMO._citizen activist
Marc Beauchamp Redding Record Searchlight Blog Quote Below
"The fact that people have a love-hate relationship with the newspaper is a sign that it’s doing its job, Bodenhamer believed. Speer quotes Bodenhamer as saying: “Many people write angry letters to the paper threatening to quit and cancel their subscriptions, but curiosity forced them to buy the paper from the newsstand and eventually they come back. One man has done so time and again.”
And, finally, this: “Our obligation (was) to call attention to public officials who were rascals and to call them just that and do so while belonging to the same service club or civic group it often led to touchy situations.”
Amen, Paul.
AMEN MARK-citizen activist
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American Firefighters for making this class
offer. I have watched you play second fiddle
to the ever-increasing and bloated police
union who have been given the farm repeatably
at the expense of your brave men and women
as will as human services.
It is an honor to share the same air and
city with you people. God Bless you all.